Choreography: Randee Paufve
Performers: Anatoly Soshilov, Randee Paufve, Sara Zimmerman
Costume Design: Rachel Stone
Due dreams up a raw afterlife for Romeo and Juliet, asking “What if R&J had lived? Would they have wanted to kill each other by the time they reached middle age?”. In Due, a middle-aged Romeo and Juliet walk side-by-side, grownups struggling to have a human relationship in an inhuman world. The dancers stagger and hold each other up; they fight, hurt, and fall; they fantasize about killing each other; they love passionately and ultimately they carry on.
Premiere April 2008, Commissioned by Dance Anywhere for performances at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
"Due" Far shot of dancers standing behind concrete barrier wearing newspaper hats. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Ilya Noe
"Due" Outdoor concrete industrial building. Dancers facing away from each other, both have their leg lifted, knee pointing up. One dancer has arms overhead, the other has arms down. Both dancers look down. One dancer wears 1950’s style black and white patterned dress with short circle skirt, the other dancer wears business trousers cut into shorts, a white button down shirt and a tie. Both dancers are barefoot. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Ilya Noe
"Due" Dancers lying on pavement in hot sun. One dancer lies closer to camera supine, the other dancer is twisting away from him. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Ilya Noe
"Due" Dancers facing away from camera, arms around each other’s waist, mid-running circle, falling back and tilting to the right side of the frame. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Ilya Noe
"Due" Dancers facing camera, arms around each other’s waist, mid-running circle, falling back and tilting. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Ilya Noe
"Due" Dancers are facing the right side of the frame. The dancer closer to camera is crouching, arms reaching up, facing the sky. Second dancer is standing on balls of feet, also reaching for sky. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Ilya Noe
"Due" Dancers sitting on pavement facing each other, soles of feet touching, having a “conversation” in gestures. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Ilya Noe
"Due" Actor Rachel Stone dressed in white mid-20th century nurse outfit, holding tray with two wine glasses filled with red ribbons. Actor: Rachel Stone. Photo: Ilya Noe
"Due" One dancer sitting in “pike” on pavement facing right, his legs extended forward, hands on knees. The other dancer is lying on her back, legs extended up first dancers’ back, arms flat on low diagonal. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Ilya Noe
"Due" Lobby of San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Dancers stand still, holding hands, facing camera. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Unknown
"Due" Behind the scenes shot of dancer sitting (between performances), in conversation with someone off camera. Dancer holds wine glass filled with red ribbon in one hand, her other hand is extended mid-gesture. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Unknown
"Due" Dancers leaning into each other. The dancer closer to camera is facing right. Her arm is held up by the dancer standing behind her. Audience members in background are in similar stances, chatting and interacting. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Unknown
"Due" Dancers facing away from each mid-motion. One dancer faces left, his legs bent and arms outstretched. The other dancer faces right, spiraling her torso to look and reach an arm toward the camera. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Unknown
"Due" Dancer closest to camera sits on floor with her knee bend towards the ceiling. The other dancer is kneeling, facing away from camera, but arching and looking back toward camera. An audience member sits further away from camera, watching dancers, but appearing to be part of the scene. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov. Photo: Unknown
"Due" Behind the scenes shot of dancer in deep conversation with actor Sara Zimmerman dressed in white mid-20th century nurse uniform. “Nurse” sits with her legs crossed, her elbow resting on her knee, and her hand on her cheek. The dancer sits with her legs crossed and her arms in mid- conversational gesture. Dancers: Randee Paufve, Anatoly Soshilov, Actor: Sara Zimmerman. Photo: Unknown