Ask your Employer about making a matching gift.
All donations 100% tax-deductible.
Paufve Dance is a member of Intersection for the Arts, a historic Bay Area arts nonprofit that provides people working in arts and culture with fiscal sponsorship and resources to grow.
ABOVE > Dancers: Andrew Merrell, Juliana Monin, Mechelle Tunstall, Elizebeth Randall, Rogelio Lopez, Nadia Oka. Photographer: Kaveri Seth.
Dancers in “Strangers Become Flower” stand and crouch in a circle, creating a hexagonal shape with their arms by holding onto each others elbows.
Supporters of Paufve Dance
Rebecca Abdenour-Gebhardt
Alexis Adorador
Michael Armstrong
Lucia August
Suzanne Beahrs
Jeffrey Beddingfield
Elysce Belmar
Ruth Botchan
Celine Bouly
Karen Breen
Ellen Bromberg
Tom Burns
Teresa Caldeira
Cheryl Calleri
Sima Belmar & Antonio Capezzuto
Heidi Carlson
Gerdi Weidmer & Ed Carpenter
Linda Carr
Peter Chamberlain
Aileen Kim & David Coker
Mitchell Corwin
John Cox
Magdalene Crowley
Rachel Damon
Cathy Davalos
Laura del Torre
Wendy Diamond
Ann DiFruscia
Annie Elias
Amal ElWardi
Chris Evans
Eldan Eichbaum & Family
Nancy Fishman
Nina Haft & Nancy Fishman
Drs. Kelly and Peter Kirkpatrick and Fiske
Lara Freidenfelds
Christy Funsch
Christine Germaine
Dr. Linda Goodrich
Valerie Gutwirth
Ashlyn Hall
Joyce Hanlon
Charlotte Hee
Heather Heise
Pamela Rickard & Brian Hertz
Deborah Herz
Paul Hoffman
Dena Holper
Peter Lichtenfels & Lynette Hunter
Jon Jackson
Risa Jaraslow
Jan Johnson
Rebecca Johnson
Bob Johnson
Wendy Jones
Drex Jones
Peiling Kao
Amy Kaplan
Mira Katz
Aileen Kim
Virginia King
Katie Kruger
Eric Kupers
Amy Kweskin
Dana Lawton
Jonathan Leff
Amy Lewis
Ina Lim
Lance Belville & Lynn Lohr
Diane McKallip
Phillip Taylor & Roberta Marinelli
Laura Marlin
Katherine Mattson
Maria Menolasino
Bill Meyer
Maureen Miner
Natalie Miske
Tenley Mogk
Juliana Monin
Grace Moon
Mark Mosley
Ramona Nadaff
Robin Nasatir
David Ogorzalek
Ann R. Papale
Chris Parisi
Geoff Paufve
Steve Paufve
Scott Perna
Sally Picciotto
Phyllis Plotkin
Blake Rains
Jill & Chris Randall
Martin and Deborah Rokeach
Jane Rosario
Aviva Rose-Williams
Jon Rosenberger
Joshua Fried & Diane Rothschild
Haley Rowland
Amelia Rudolph
Jane Schnorrenberg
Vera Schwegler
Kim Shartsis
Frank Shawl
Veena Siddharth
Steve Siegelman
William M. Smith
Ajit Subramaniam
Julia and Kevin Sweeney
Stephen Texeira
Nadhi Thekkek
Emma Tome
Laura De la Torre
Mechelle Tunstall
Maya & Ben Woodson Turman
Mary Turnipseed
Jessica Waggoner
Kate Weare
Ellen Webb
Lili Weckler
Martha Ullman West
Laura Renaud Wilson
Ray and Robbin Yeh
Chingchi Yu